Bears Across Canada

Donna Reiner (edited by), compiled & co-edited by Cathy Cheung and Ruth Hasman

“… Unlike other books about teddy bear artists, Bears Across Canada has a format which is intended to educate readers about a variety of aspects. The layout of the book is based on the geography of the country. Beginning in western Canada with the territories, the book then covers the provinces from west to east. The cover page for each section includes facts and points of interest. In addition, you can discover what real bears reside in Canada and where, learn more teddy bear trivia, and be amazed how Winnie the bear came to be immortalized by A.A. Milne.

Bears Across Canada also contains information about Canadian teddy bear artists, suppliers, promoters,publications and other supporting businesses.
While many of these groups have feature entries, a more comprehensive listing is at the back of the book along with contact information.

Hugs from all of us at Bearland Press.”

Wat een grappig boek voor teddyberenliefhebbers. Met honderden foto’s van karakteristieke teddyberen, en ook een aantal van wilde beren. Ingedeeld per regio. Met adressen (veel van B&B’s) waar deze teddyberen te bekijken zijn. Inclusief contactinformatie, zoals websites en email-adressen.





Bearland Press



Talen Engels
Landen Canada,


28x22cm, paperback, 146 blz, in goede staat

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €16.95.Huidige prijs is: €9.95.

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